I am so excited about launching my blog – TO BE INSPIRED – where I’ll share inspiring stories of people who have achieved outstanding success by freeing themselves to follow their passion. Who knows, maybe someday YOU will be one of my featured success stories!


Come back to this space often, and read first-hand accounts of the powerful effects of pursuing a career path that aligns with your personal values.

Does your job make you feel like a bug stuck on its back and you can’t get back on your feet?

Let me help you make the flip! Every professional coach stresses the importance of networking. Articles state the fact that 80% of critical jobs are filled via networking. What if the reality is you legitimately do not have time to network because you have a secure, full-time, demanding job? What if you do not have the time or energy once ...

The last piece of the puzzle in Professional Career Coaching

We have been testing the market for over a year with proven success. Stay tuned in the coming months for details on our new service offering ... "The Reverse Recruiting Model" ...

New Year New Career Path

It is the time to take the leap of faith! In 2017 “together” lets discover a career path you love! #newcareer #newyear ...

Dream IT, Plan IT, Do IT in 2017

Aren’t you ready to take a different direction on your career path and truly be happy again? How can you approach the "New Year, New You" outlook for your career and actually stick to your plan? It is a proven fact that you are much more likely to succeed if someone is working with you to discover new goals, holding you accountable ...

Achieving Milestones

Reaching major milestone requires vision, perseverance and each deserves to be celebrated. Challenges come in different forms and the launch of our new website was more of an emotional challenge. Each delay reinforced my realization I have no control over anything in life except my reaction to each situation. It required taking it one day at time, trusting delays happened for ...

So, who am I anyway?

I’m the kid who picketed for fairness at age four! The picture tells the story…my older sister and brother got horses but my sister Kim and I did not.  So, we took the only logical action my father would understand - we went on strike for fairness among siblings! My name is Karen Banks and my entire life I have ...